Become a Member

Why Become a Member?

The Michigan Audiology Coalition is dedicated to the promotion and advocacy of audiologists throughout the state. Your membership is the foundation for building a strong organization.

By Becoming a MAC member you are taking the first step to supporting your profession at a local level. As a member, you receive:

Latest News & Events

Frequent email and newsletter updates related to the coalition

Job Opportunities

Access to our careers page

Advocacy & Representation

Legislative representation at the state capitol & network opportunities

Discounted Rates

Reduced fee to attend the annual conference


Eligibility to serve on the MAC board or committees

Member Types

The membership cycle runs from June 1 to May 31 for each year. A renewal reminder will be sent each Spring.

Fellow Member

Fellow Member resides or practices in the State of Michigan, has been awarded at least a Master’s Degree or equivalent thereof in Audiology and is licensed to practice Audiology in the State of Michigan. Fellow members have the following rights:

  • Vote on all matters before the membership
  • Hold elected office in the organization
  • Serve on, chair or co-chair an executive committee
  • Attend membership meetings and Board meetings
Life Member

Life Member has been a Fellow Member of the organization for ten (10) consecutive years and has retired from the profession of Audiology. For the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2025, consecutive years of membership in the Michigan Academy of Audiology (“MAA”), Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (“MSHA”) or consecutive years of service as a member of the executive board or planning committee of the of Michigan Audiology Coalition (“MAC” or “MAC on M.A.C”) shall count toward the ten (10) year requirement to become a Life Member. Life members have the following rights:

  • Vote on all matters before the membership
  • Hold elected office in the organization
  • Serve on, chair or co-chair an executive committee
  • Attend membership meetings and Board meetings
Affiliate Member

Affiliate Member is not an audiologist, but has an active professional interest in hearing, hearing science or audiology. Affiliate members have the following rights:

  • Chair or co-chair or be a representative on a standing committee
  • Attend member and executive board meetings
Candidate Member

Candidate Member is enrolled full-time in an Audiology program at a regionally accredited institution of higher learning. Student members have the following rights:

  • Serve on standing committees
  • Attend member and executive board meetings